If I define a template with a specific setting I can then update that setting in all existing indices by PUTTING to the _settings
subpath of the index.
How would I do the same for dynamic templates? That is, if I define a dynamic template, how would I reflect this change in all existing indices as if the dynamic template had been defined when the index was created?
This is my dynamic template:
"index_patterns": [
"mappings": {
"dynamic_templates": [
"default_no_index": {
"path_match": "^.*$",
"path_unmatch": "^(@timestamp|auditID|level|stage|requestURI|sourceIPs|metadata|objectRef|user|verb)(\\..+)?$",
"match_pattern": "regex",
"mapping": {
"index": false,
"enabled": false
Elasticsearch verion: 7.1
A dynamic template specifies (part of) the mapping of your index, and you cannot change the mapping of an existing index (Elasticsearch Documentation | Mapping). This means that although you can update the (dynamic) mapping in your index template at any time, those changes will apply only to the new indices matching the template pattern.