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Is it possible to turn a context pattern into a Gallina function?

In Ltac, a context pattern can be used to build an Ltac-level function which accepts a Gallina term and constructs a Gallina term by filling in a hole. I would like to reify this function and use it at the level of Gallina, rather than Ltac.

E.g., the following code works using meta-variables rather than context patterns.

  (A : Set)
  (P : A -> Prop)
  (a : A)
  (H : forall Q: A -> Prop, Q a).

Goal (P a).
match goal with
  | |- ?P a => exact (H P)

But the following code does not work because I cannot bring the variable x into scope before filling in the pattern:

Goal (P a).
match goal with
  | |- context C[a] => let y := context C[x] in exact (H (fun x => y))
(* The reference x was not found in the current
environment. *)

Nor does the following work because I cannot use Ltac within Gallina:

Goal (P a).
match goal with
  | |- context C[a] => let y := exact (H (fun x => context C[x]))
(* Syntax error... *)

But the following code shows that my context pattern works like I think it should:

Goal (P a).
match goal with
  | |- context C[a] => let y := context C[a] in idtac y
(* (P a) *)

While this example is trivial because the goal is a single application, in general I want to use context patterns to match significantly more complex goals and then use those patterns to build Gallina functions. Can this be done?


  • Use ltac:(...)

    match goal with
      | |- context C[a] => exact (H (fun x => ltac:(let y := context C[x] in exact y)))

    ltac:(...) can replace any Gallina term. The expected type of that hole becomes the goal for the contained tactic expression, which is executed to produce a new Gallina term to fill the hole.