I'm trying to parse this nested HTML from a website but I just can't seen to figure out how to get the data out of the unordered list.
<ul class="no-bullet participants-list" data-registrations="registrants">
<li class="participant" data-participant-id="512028" data-registrations="registrant">
<div class="row collapse participant-info">
<div class="large-1 small-2 columns">
<figure class="participant-avatar">
<a class="user-profile-link" href="THE LINK I WANT">
What I've tried
for(Element row : doc.select("ul.no-bullet participants-list")) {
.select("div.row collapse participant-info")
.select("div.large-1 small-2 columns")
Not sure what I'm doing wrong
As I understand you are looking for href attribute inside a tag Your's select statement is not correct because you use space instead of dot in order to choose class
Instead of this
doc.select("ul.no-bullet participants-list")
Use this
doc.select("ul.no-bullet.participants-list a").first().attr("href")
As you see I chose first a tag and fetched href from this tag