I am facing issues in Communication between 2 Window I have window P which is the parent window. I open new 2 new window(A, B) using window.open('path',A); and window.open('path',B). Now I need to communicate between A and B. Please help to communicate B/w A and B.
I tried this didn't work
// In A component
window.opener('A').postMessage(JSON.stringify(messageData), "*");
//In B component
window.addEventListener("message", this.receiveMessage.bind(this), false);
and also I tried this didn't work
// IN A component
window.open('','A').postMessage(JSON.stringify(messageData), "*");
// IN B component
window.addEventListener("message", this.receiveMessage.bind(this), false);
one more I used BroadCast didn't work
You will need to have message
listener in all windows. All the opened windows (here A and B) are going to postMessage()
to the window.opener
(here P). P will then forward each received message to all windows opened except to the source (origin) of that message.
//REM: Contains all opened windows
const openedWindows = [];
window.onload = function(){
//REM: Listener to receive postMessage()
window.addEventListener('message', function(event){
//REM: Just writes the output
//REM: Forwards the message to all opened windows but the source
for(var i=0, j=openedWindows.length; i<j; i++){
if(openedWindows[i] !== event.source){
openedWindows[i].postMessage(event.data, '*')
}, false);
//REM: Opens child window A
openedWindows.push(window.open('Child.html', 'A'));
//REM: Opens child window B
openedWindows.push(window.open('Child.html', 'B'))
window.onload = function(){
//REM: Listener to receive postMessage()
window.addEventListener('message', function(event){
//REM: Just writes the output
}, false);
//REM: Populating message for demo purpose
window.opener.postMessage('Hi! Message from window "' + window.name + '"', '*')
}, 1000)