I have something like this
const [state, setState] = useState({
num: 0
const validateBiggerThan0 = () => {
return state.num > 0;
const [validation, setValidation] = useState({
val: validateBiggerThan0
The problem is when I call validation.validateBiggerThan0
, this function does not have the current state
In this simple example, I could pass the value sate.num
as a parameter to the validateBiggerThan0
, but in my real application this is not feasible because I have multiple validations and some can use more than one value from the state. Is there any alternative to this?
A sandbox with the problem: https://codesandbox.io/s/heuristic-mountain-2poz7?fontsize=14&hidenavigation=1&theme=dark
The solution to your problem is to not use useState
for the function object.
const validation = {
val: validateBiggerThan0
Or to update the object on every change of your state:
useEffect(() => {
val: validateBiggerThan0
}, [ state, setValidation, validateBiggerThan0 ]);
// Don't remove "state" from the dependency array.
Don't forget to wrap your validation functions in a useCallback
hook in case you use the useEffect
const validateBiggerThan0 = useCallback(() => {
return state.num > 0;
}, [state]);