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websphere-traditional image support java7?

I want to create the of Ibmcom/websphere-traditional with java7 support, how I can do this? When I run below it install with java8 FROM Ibmcom/websphere-traditional


  • You haven't said explicitly what version of Websphere you are trying to install. You also haven't said clearly how you are installing it, though it looks like you are trying to install it as a docker container using IBM's published ibmcom/websphere-traditional docker image.

    The supporting documentation for the ibmcom/websphere-traditional image currently says that it installs Websphere Application Server (WAS) 9.0.x. (The actual x version number changes regularly.)

    According to sources I have found, WAS 9.0 uses Java 8 by default. Some sources say that WAS 9.0 can be configured to use Java 7, and other sources say that Java 7 is not supported. On balance, the former are probably wrong ...

    Either way, the docker image you have downloaded appears to have only Java 8 support. The source for the build is on github, and the Dockerfile says that the build does this:

    /work/InstallationManagerKit/tools/imcl install \ \
        -acceptLicense -accessRights nonAdmin -showProgress \
        -installationDirectory /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer -repositories $REPO \
        -installFixes $IFIXES -sRD /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServerIMShared \
        -dataLocation /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServerIMData \
        -secureStorageFile /tmp/secureStore -masterPasswordFile /tmp/secureStorePwd \
        -preferences offering.service.repositories.areUsed=false,

    That is saying to install WAS 9.0 and IBM Java 8 into the image.

    There is no sign of support for Java 7 in the current versions of any of the Dockerfiles.

    My suggestions would be:

    1. Use Java 8 or later. IBM have announced that their Java 7 product is end-of-life in July 2022.

    2. If you really want (need) to use Java 7, the recommendation is to clone the github repository (, modify the image build configs to select a different Java version and build your own docker image:

      • Checkout a branch or tag that corresponds to WAS 8.5.5 or earlier.
      • The comments in issue #72 outline the things that you need to change.
      • Good luck!
    3. I also came across issue 141# in which someone says that have built and shared some docker images. (I'm not recommending this ...)