I didn't find the reason for a SQLExeption, I got it at while(dbrs.next())
. It is simple, it was working, but after update to Oracle Server 19, I got this error. I got still a result set in Oracle Developer with the same account.
Statement st = conn.createStatement();
if (Oracle){
ResultSet dbrs = st.executeQuery("select table_name from all_tables");
if (dbrs.getString(1).equals(G_IN)){
st.execute("DROP TABLE "+G_IN);
System.out.println(G_IN+" gelöscht");
String loeschen="DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"" + G_IN +"\"";
st.execute( loeschen );
You shouldn't reuse a Statement object as is the case in your while loop. To execute a new query, you need to use a new Statement object.
st.execute("DROP TABLE " + G_IN);
conn.createStatement().execute("DROP TABLE " + G_IN);
and it should work.