I have a mat table and a current row click event already. I need to be able to have an collapsible table cell depending on the amount of data in the cell. In the case below its a text-area
If a cell has a length of over 30 then it needs to show the first 30 characters and an Ellipses .... like the example posted below.
If the user clicks on the ellipses then it will expand that particular cell Only showing all of the data for that cell.
For example I can have a row that looks like this
Name Address Zip
Jon 123 Main 44444
Sam 4444 Chatt... 65984
Amy 777 Main 44444
They would click on the address cell for Sam and it would show
Name Address Zip
Jon 123 Main 44444
Sam 4444 Chattanooga Street ... 65984
Apartment 105
Amy 777 Main 44444
Is that possible in Materials Table?
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let element" [hidden]="column.Hidden" (mouseenter)="_mouseEnter($event, element, column.MouseEnter)" (mouseleave)="_mouseLeave($event, element, column.MouseLeave)" class="{{column.Classes}}">
<div *ngSwitchCase="CellType.TextArea" class="text-center">
<app-textarea [(text)]="element[column.Value]" [title]="column.Title"></app-textarea>
You can make a cell expand like this using pure html css. You can embel this css into your Angular and give it a try.
I've made first cell expandable, rest you can copy and redo. Add content class to an y children of <td>
If you want to do it on click, just add an eventlistner which updates your classes.
<td mat-cell *matCellDef="let element" [hidden]="column.Hidden"
(mouseenter)="_mouseEnter($event, element, column.MouseEnter)"
(mouseleave)="_mouseLeave($event, element, column.MouseLeave)" class="
<div *ngSwitchCase="CellType.TextArea" class="text-center content"> //added class
<app-textarea [(text)]="element[column.Value]" [title]="column.Title">
padding:3px 3px;
border:1px solid #BBB;
<td><div class="content"><span class="hidden">Data1,1 first line - this is a kind-of long line
<br/>Data1,1 second line - this is a kind-of long line too
<br/>Data1,1 third line
<br/>Data1,1 fourth line</span>