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There was trouble creating the ESLint CLIEngine

There was trouble creating the ESLint CLIEngine. -
 'basePath' should be an absolute path

Trying to use eslint

$ npx prettier-eslint **/*.js

but getting:

prettier-eslint [ERROR]: There was trouble creating the ESLint CLIEngine.
prettier-eslint-cli [ERROR]: There was an error formatting "test/fizzBuzz.test.js":
    AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: 'basePath' should be an absolute path.


  • This is due to an issue with selecting the files with


    A current UNIX workaround: use $PWD, i.e.

    $ npx prettier-eslint $PWD/'**/*.js'

    This produced correct files as output


    This also applies to similar issues using package.json

    for instance having

    "lint": "eslint . && prettier-eslint --list-different **/*.js",
    "format": "prettier-eslint --write **/*.js"

    will also generate that error. On Unix this can currently be fixed with $PWD

    "lint": "eslint . && prettier-eslint --list-different $PWD/'**/*.js'",
    //                                                    /|\
    "format": "prettier-eslint --write $PWD/'**/*.js'"
    //                                 /|\