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Distribute plugin resource files to host project

I have a maven plugin that exposes a Mojo, with a goal that runs at the compile stage. The project was generated using mvn archetype:generate, and the POM contains all the standard stuff that comes with running that, very little deviation. The project includes a couple of resource files, e.g. filea.txt and fileb.txt, that are packaged up as part of the jar.

When the plugin is used in a project, I'd like the files that are included in the jar to be extracted and copied to the target\test-classes directory of the host project. I'm trying to use the plugin jar to both distribute some files + expose some functionality that can then use those files.

Is this a valid approach, and if so, are there settings I can add to the plugin POM to indicate that content from the plugin should be extracted and copied? I want to centralise this logic in the plugin, rather than having to do in the plugin host.

I feel like it's something with maven-dependency-plugin or maven-resources-plugin or build-helper-maven-plugin:attach-artifact, have tried a couple of different approaches but think I'm missing something obvious:

e.g. something like this in plugin POM?

    // etc etc

Google fu has let me down, keep ending up on maven resources page. Can post directory structure / more information if needed.



  • First I would suggest to put resources which needs to be distributed into src/main/resources which looks like you have done ...but remove the configuration for the maven-resources-plugin and let maven do it's work. This is automatically copied into target/classes/ which in result is packaged into the resulting jar later.

    If your plugin needs to get those files those can accessed as a usual resource via this.getClass().getResourcesAsStream("/...") and reading and writing them into a new location preferable into target/...