Search code examples

How to get the row count

Is there an other way to get row count other then counting each row?
I search for a word Selected from ComboBox in Access database and when that word is found, I want to know its row number.

Dim strBPSSelection As String

strBPSSelection = "SELECT * FROM Posts WHERE DesignationsList=? "

Dim cmdBPSSelection As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand(strBPSSelection, Con)
cmdBPSSelection.Parameters.AddWithValue("@?", DesignationComboBox.Text)

drBPSSelection = cmdBPSSelection.ExecuteReader

If drBPSSelection.Read() Then

I want to know at what row I am standing at so I can use that number to get other data from 2nd column of same table and put it in the textbox.

Dim DadDesignationBPS As OleDbDataAdapter

Dim DstDesignationBPS As New DataSet

DadDesignationBPS = New OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM Posts", Con)
DadDesignationBPS.Fill(DstDesignationBPS, "Posts")

BPSTextBox.Text = DstDesignation.Tables("Posts").Rows(i)("DesignationsList")

I want the count to replace that I


  • If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Or e.KeyCode = Keys.Tab Then
                If DesignationComboBox.Text = "" Or DesignationComboBox.Text = "Chose Designation" Then
                    DesignationComboBox.SelectionStart = 0
                    DesignationComboBox.SelectionLength = Len(DesignationComboBox.Text)
                    Dim drBPSSelection As OleDbDataReader
                    Dim strBPSSelection As String
                    strBPSSelection = "SELECT * FROM Posts WHERE DesignationsList=? "
                    Dim cmdBPSSelection As OleDbCommand = New OleDbCommand(strBPSSelection, Con)
                    cmdBPSSelection.Parameters.AddWithValue("@?", DesignationComboBox.Text)
                    drBPSSelection = cmdBPSSelection.ExecuteReader
                    If drBPSSelection.Read() Then
                        BPSTextBox.Text = drBPSSelection("BPSList").ToString
                    End If
                    BPSTextBox.Enabled = True
                End If
            End If