I am looking to FullCalendar for a full shift/rota system in our application. I have been able to copy external events in to the calendar which has worked great, however I would like to be able to drag in more information into that specific event.
Say I have a shift from 08:00 to 16:00, I will drag that shift into the FullCalendar control. I would then like to be able to assign staff to that event. So dragging a staff member into that event will then update the database and re-render the calendar with a bigger description and with that staff member as a value in extendedProps.
Does anyone know if this is possible at all?
I have managed to get this working using jQuery draggable. So firstly I told fullcalendar to only accept internal drag events from a specific class (so I can drag in time slots into the calendar):
dropAccept: ".PresetShift"
And then on eventRender, I make the event droppable (so I can drop in the crew members/staff members):
scope: "staff",
hoverClass: "highlighted",
drop: function(dropEvent, ui) {
//Get data from event, attributes from the dropped in staff member, and the
event and use a page method to save/update the data.
Then update the fullcalendar event