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AngularJS: Radio buttons in ng-repeat

I've got a set of radio buttons in a ng-repeat, following what I found in this answer. I just can't figure out how to add an ng-model to it.

   <tr ng-repeat="service in track by $index">
            <input type="radio" name="serviceSelections" ng-value="{{}}" id="service{{}}">

With this controller:

(function() {
  'use strict';

  angular.module('pb.ds.selectservice').controller('SelectServiceController', function($log) {
    var _this = this;

    _this.selectedService = 0; = [
        selected: false,
        name: 'Postmates',
        caption: 'Guaranteed delivery within time'
        selected: true,
        name: 'Deliv',
        caption: 'Guaranteed delivery within time',
        selected: false,
        name: 'Roadie',
        caption: 'Guaranteed delivery within time',

and, in my route, for this view:

        content: {
          controller: 'SelectServiceController as selectservice',
          templateUrl: 'modules/select-service/templates/select-service.html'

The radio group correctly shows the second radio selected. But how do I update the model? What, exactly is the model? I have tried ng-model="selectservice.selectedService" which should be 0, but then no radio is selected.


  • You need to have a model in your controller to assign the radio button group an ng-model. In your case it should be

        _this.selectedService = "";

    Since it appears that you want to get the selected service's name.

    Setting your HTML like below will make it work.

    <tr ng-repeat="service in track by $index">
                <input type="radio" ng-model="selectservice.selectedService" value="{{}}" id="service{{}}">

    After this whatever button you check, your _this.selectedService will update with the corresponding button's name. So if you select the "Deliv" radio button, your _this.selectedService will get the value "Deliv". I hope found your answer