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AssertJ assert on the cause message

Is there a way when using AssertJ agains a method throwing an excetion to check that the message in the cause is equal to some string.

I'm currently doing something like:

assertThatThrownBy(() -> SUT.method())

and would like to add an assertion to check the message in the root cause.


  • AssertJ 3.23

    • cause() is favored over getCause():
    Throwable runtime = new RuntimeException("no way", 
                                             new Exception("you shall not pass"));
                       .hasMessage("you shall not pass");
    Throwable rootCause = new RuntimeException("go back to the shadow!");
    Throwable cause = new Exception("you shall not pass", rootCause);
    Throwable runtime = new RuntimeException("no way", cause);
                       .hasMessage("go back to the shadow!");

    AssertJ 3.16

    Two new options are available:

    Throwable runtime = new RuntimeException("no way", 
                                             new Exception("you shall not pass"));
                       .hasMessage("you shall not pass");
    Throwable rootCause = new RuntimeException("go back to the shadow!");
    Throwable cause = new Exception("you shall not pass", rootCause);
    Throwable runtime = new RuntimeException("no way", cause);
                       .hasMessage("go back to the shadow!");

    AssertJ 3.14

    extracting with InstanceOfAssertFactory could be used:

    Throwable runtime = new RuntimeException("no way", 
                                             new Exception("you shall not pass"));
    assertThat(runtime).extracting(Throwable::getCause, as(THROWABLE))
                       .hasMessage("you shall not pass");

    as() is statically imported from org.assertj.core.api.Assertions and THROWABLE is statically imported from org.assertj.core.api.InstanceOfAssertFactories.