Currently Spring Boot HttpHeaders header only takes <String, String>
pairs. How can I add a header with <String, Long>
I need to integrate with one of the external product API in my Java Program, to access this API, it needs a token header which for this product, all of its APIs only takes Numbers(long). It is so out of ordinary and it gives me a lot headache. I am using RestTemplate and I've searched a lot place with no luck.
Did any of you have done anything similar to this? Need some help.
You can create generic header using MultiValueMap that accepts String
as key and Object
as value
MultiValueMap<String, Object> map = new LinkedMultiValueMap<>();
map.add("Header1", 11111);
And then create generic HttpEntity of object type by passing MultiValueMap
as headers
HttpEntity<Object> entity = new HttpEntity<>(map);