I'm currently doing some redesign of a website, basically just upgrading it to a more up-to-date look and trying to make it as resolution independent as possible, and in the name of resolution independence I figured I'd try to use SVG images in the design where the browser supports SVG images in <img>
tags. The reason I want to stick to just using SVG in <img>
tags rather than using some more ambitious solution is that AFAIK Chrome, Opera and Safari all support it and FF4 seems like it may finally get it as well combined with the fact that the entire site is built on a custom CMS which would have to be partially rewritten to start changing the output HTML (currently it supports custom design images, custom CSS and custom JS includes for each theme).
Now, I've looked around the net a bit myself trying to figure out the best way of doing this and for some reason pretty much every suggested solution I've found has worked poorly (one detect FF3.x as supporting SVG in <img>
tags so they didn't display properly there, another one never tried at all, several were overly complex "replace all images with SVG if there is support for it" functions which won't work too well either.
What I'm looking for is really a small snippet that can be called like this (btw, I'm using JQuery with this new theme for the website):
if(SVGSupported()) {
$('#header img#logo').attr('src','themes/newTheme/logo.svg');
/* More specified image replacements for CSS and HTML here */
Does anyone actually have a working solution for this that doesn't give inaccurate output? If so I'd be very grateful.
This appears to be the ultimate answer: Javascript: How can I delay returning a value for img.complete. Unless someone comes up with something yielding the correct results immediately.