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What does `A = (0)['constructor']['constructor']` do?

For an online challenge, I've deobfuscated some code to this:

A = (0)['constructor']['constructor']

From what I've tried, this function takes some code as parameter and puts it in the body of an anonymous function and returns it.

A = (0)['constructor']['constructor']

console.log(A('return 9'))
console.log(A('return 9')())

However, I don't understand this syntax and how the function is created. What's happening behind the scene ?


  • There's a surprising amount going on here, so I'll try to break it down into steps.

    • 0 is a primitive number. Primitives have no properties, and any attempt to retrieve a property (such as (0).constructor) will cause Javascript to automatically convert it to an Object representation. E.g. (0) becomes Number(0).
    • (0) is still a primitive, just with the addition of the grouping operators (). This is done here because, without the parentheses, the . in 0. is interpreted as a decimal point rather than a property accessor. You could achieve the same thing with 0..constructor or a number of other ways.
    • All Javascript objects have a prototype. You can see an object's prototype using its __proto__ property, e.g. (0).__proto__. The prototype is interesting because, when you try to access a property on the object, Javascript will also check the __proto__ object to see if that property exists on it. (This is used mainly for inheritance).
    • One of the properties on __proto__ is constructor. The constructor is a function that is called when the object is first created.
    • constructor is of type Function, which is itself an object with its own constructor property.

    So, (0).constructor.constructor is shorthand for Number(0).__proto__.constructor.__proto__.constructor.

    Your anonymous functions that return 9 do what they do because the constructor of a Function accepts as an argument a string representation of some Javascript code. It's equivalent to doing this:

    Function('return 9')();

    Edit: corrected a mistake regarding autoboxing and (0)