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Why am I getting ORA-00900 Invalid SQL statement when trying to create a directory object with execute immediate?

I see many examples of this being possible in Oracle. It's just not working for me. Oracle 11. I am getting this error on line 15. Thank you all!

v_path nvarchar2(256);
v_object_exists number;
    -- Use the directory Oracle DB provide for tracing.
    select VALUE into v_path from V$DIAG_INFO where NAME = 'Diag Trace';

    -- Set up new directory!
    select count(*) into v_object_exists from all_objects where object_name = 'DIAG_TRACE' and object_type = 'DIRECTORY';
    if v_object_exists > 0 then 
        execute immediate 'DROP DIRECTORY DIAG_TRACE'; 
    end if;
    dbms_output.put_line('CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY DIAG_TRACE AS ''' || v_path || '''');
    execute immediate 'CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY DIAG_TRACE AS ''' || v_path || '''';



  • This appears to be a bug; though not one listed on the ORA-00900 reference note on MoS.

    It doesn't like the path variable being concatenated in as part of the execute immediate. This fails:

    v_path := '/some/path';
    execute immediate 'CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY DIAG_TRACE AS ''' || v_path || '''';

    but this is OK, even though the final statement is the same:

    execute immediate 'CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY DIAG_TRACE AS ''/some/path''';

    After some searching, it may be something to do with bug 7036176: "CONCATENATED DYNAMIC OBJECT NAME RAISES ORA-00900 IN 10G & 11G". It's not exactly the same but close. You'll need to look on My Oracle Support for further info, though there isn't much.

    You can work around it with a variable:

    v_stmt varchar2(256);
    v_path nvarchar2(256);
    v_object_exists number;
        -- Use the directory Oracle DB provide for tracing.
        select VALUE into v_path from V$DIAG_INFO where NAME = 'Diag Trace';
        -- Set up new directory!
        select count(*) into v_object_exists from all_objects where object_name = 'DIAG_TRACE' and object_type = 'DIRECTORY';
        if v_object_exists > 0 then
            execute immediate 'DROP DIRECTORY DIAG_TRACE';
        end if;
        v_stmt := 'CREATE OR REPLACE DIRECTORY DIAG_TRACE AS ''' || v_path || '''';
        execute immediate v_stmt;

    Which saves repeating the string to print it, though you might only have done that because of this issue.

    Not sure why you're dropping first with or replace, incidentally.