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Java: How to get specific information from xml using stax

I am having trouble with getting specific information from my xml using stax. Inside my xml I have a current and average which both have a traveltime inside them. But I only want to get the traveltime from the current and not from the average. Here is how my xml looks like:

        <route identification="id_1">
                <traveltime time="1187" trustworthy="j" />
                <delay time="0" trustworthy="j" />
                <traveltime time="1187" trustworthy="j" />
                <delay time="0" trustworthy="j" />
        <route identification="id_2">
                <traveltime time="995" trustworthy="j" />
                <delay time="0" trustworthy="j" />
                <traveltime time="995" trustworthy="j" />
                <delay time="0" trustworthy="j" />
        <subpath identification="id_1">
                <traveltime time="0" trustworthy="n" />
                <delay time="0" trustworthy="n" />
                <traveltime time="0" trustworthy="n" />
                <delay time="0" trustworthy="n" />
        <subpath identification="id_2">
                <traveltime time="0" trustworthy="n" />
                <delay time="0" trustworthy="n" />
                <traveltime time="0" trustworthy="n" />
                <delay time="0" trustworthy="n" />

The code that I have currently looks like this:

    while (streamReader.hasNext()) {;
        if (streamReader.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) {

            switch (streamReader.getLocalName()) {
            case "route":
                //store which type
            case "subpath":
                //store which type
            case "traveltime":
                //store traveltime

        if (streamReader.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT && "allroutes".equals(streamReader.getLocalName())) {

            //stop the loop and give back the object
}catch(XMLStreamException ex) {
    LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "XMLStreamException: " + ex);

What do I need to add / change to only get the traveltime from 'current' inside this reader?


  • You just have to keep track of where you are in the document. For example, it's common practice to keep a stack of element names: push a name onto the stack when you hit a startElement, pop it off when you hit endElement, and then inspect the stack to discover the context of the element you are currently processing.