I am having trouble with getting specific information from my xml using stax. Inside my xml I have a current and average which both have a traveltime inside them. But I only want to get the traveltime from the current and not from the average. Here is how my xml looks like:
<route identification="id_1">
<traveltime time="1187" trustworthy="j" />
<delay time="0" trustworthy="j" />
<traveltime time="1187" trustworthy="j" />
<delay time="0" trustworthy="j" />
<route identification="id_2">
<traveltime time="995" trustworthy="j" />
<delay time="0" trustworthy="j" />
<traveltime time="995" trustworthy="j" />
<delay time="0" trustworthy="j" />
<subpath identification="id_1">
<traveltime time="0" trustworthy="n" />
<delay time="0" trustworthy="n" />
<traveltime time="0" trustworthy="n" />
<delay time="0" trustworthy="n" />
<subpath identification="id_2">
<traveltime time="0" trustworthy="n" />
<delay time="0" trustworthy="n" />
<traveltime time="0" trustworthy="n" />
<delay time="0" trustworthy="n" />
The code that I have currently looks like this:
while (streamReader.hasNext()) {
if (streamReader.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT) {
switch (streamReader.getLocalName()) {
case "route":
//store which type
case "subpath":
//store which type
case "traveltime":
//store traveltime
if (streamReader.getEventType() == XMLStreamReader.END_ELEMENT && "allroutes".equals(streamReader.getLocalName())) {
//stop the loop and give back the object
}catch(XMLStreamException ex) {
LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, "XMLStreamException: " + ex);
What do I need to add / change to only get the traveltime from 'current' inside this reader?
You just have to keep track of where you are in the document. For example, it's common practice to keep a stack of element names: push a name onto the stack when you hit a startElement, pop it off when you hit endElement, and then inspect the stack to discover the context of the element you are currently processing.