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Expected scheme-specific part at index 5: null:

I'm getting the following exception when trying to get HTTP get response using Spock framework. Expected scheme-specific part at index 5: null:

def SERVER_URL = "http://localhost"
def SERVER_PORT = ":8082"
def USERNAME = ""
def PASSWORD = "123456"

   def client = new RESTClient("$SERVER_URL:$SERVER_PORT")

    def 'should return 200 code when used valid credentials'() {
        when: 'login with valid credentials'
        client.headers['Authorization'] = "Basic ${"$USERNAME:$PASSWORD".bytes.encodeBase64()}"
        def response = client.get(path:'/artifactory/ui/auth/screen/footer')


  • Remove the colon from

    def SERVER_PORT = "8082"

    Or remove the colon from

    def client = new RESTClient("$SERVER_URL$SERVER_PORT")

    You have one too many colons before the port