Although it seems impossible from research: Passing parameter to xci core
I am designing a custom core which uses an instance of a Xilinx FIFO. However, the top module has parameters which are exposed in the IP Packager, and should modify the included FIFO core.
module top();
parameter C_FIFO_DEPTH = 256
xilinx_fifo_core #(
) my_fifo_instance (...);
This way, when someone instantiates my module, by overriding parameter C_FIFO_DEPTH, they also change the embedded FIFO's depth.
Although this would work for user written modules, it doesn't work for instances of IP cores (xci), which seem to be configurable only through the "Customize IP" gui.
I have disabled Out-of-context generation, but still no dice.
I am currently working on a (very messy) solution using tcl scripts in the packaged core, however an elegant solution is desperately needed.
You can do this with the XPM_FIFO_xxx
cores. Look in the UG953 Libraries Guide for docs and examples. You can also do it for RAM with XPM_MEMORY_xxx