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Emmet: How to Wrap Using Multiple Tags

I'm trying to wrap bunch of data with following tags.

For an example:


I want each one of them to be wrapped with following tags.



I want to know if this is possible to do using Emmet code. Any help would be appreciated.


  • Another alternative is to use regular snippets. This is for vscode:

    "link snippet": {
      "prefix": "link",
      "body": [
        "<lastmod>2020-01-16T22:59:45+00:00</lastmod>",  // if date is fixed ahead of time
           // use below if date is dynamic at creation time
      "description": "Wrap link with url, etc."

    Then, because you will need to chain 3 commands together to make this easy, use a macro extension like multi-command. Pu this into your settings.json:

      "multiCommand.commands": [
          "command": "multiCommand.expandLink",
          "sequence": [
              "command": "editor.action.insertSnippet",
              "args": {
                "name": "link snippet",

    That will trigger the snippet after it selects each of your lines separately. To trigger the macro itself you need a keybinding (in keybindings.json):

      "key": "shift+alt+l",
      "command": "extension.multiCommand.execute",
      "args": { "command": "multiCommand.expandLink" },

    A fair amount of setup, but then it is just the one keybinding to trigger it all. Demo:

    wrap link demo