I'm sorry to be posting another PasteSpecial-question, but I haven't found something that relates precisely to what I'm trying to do.
I have some VBA code:
For Each Workbook In Workbooks
For Each Sheet In Workbook.Sheets
running_pp_app.ActivePresentation.Slides.Add running_pp_app.ActivePresentation.Slides.Count + 1, ppLayoutTitleOnly
running_pp_app.ActivePresentation.Slides(running_pp_app.ActivePresentation.Slides.Count).Shapes.PasteSpecial DataType:=ppPasteDefault, link:=msoCTrue
Next Sheet
Next Workbook
When I paste the Excel-range into a slide, I ultimately want to have the pasted range/shape occupying a placeholder in the slide-layout. I don't want it to be just some additional shape on the slide.
Ultimately, my goal is to be able to easily control all of the pasted ranges/shapes via master-layouts (via the UI, after my VBA runs). I don't know how to paste the linked OLE object into the slide so that it occupies a placeholder-position--so that it is the "content" in the "Title and Content" master-layout, for example.
How can I do this?
All help is appreciated. Thanks.
My first thought was that this doesn't appear to be possible. This works to paste into a placeholder:
Sub PasteIntoPlaceholder()
ActiveWindow.View.PasteSpecial DataType:=ppPasteDefault
End Sub
But as soon as you add the link parameter, it pastes as a separate shape, not in the placeholder.
This mostly corresponds to analogous actions in the user interface. A straight Paste onto a slide with a selected placeholder will insert the chart as expected, but a Paste Special will not.
Following your suggestion, this mostly does the job. The placeholder shrinks to fit the pasted Excel object instead of the Excel object expanding to fit the placeholder, but hey, it works:
Sub PasteIntoPlaceholder()
With ActiveWindow
.View.PasteSpecial DataType:=ppPasteDefault, Link:=msoCTrue
End With
End Sub