I'm trying to change the color of the word the current google docs cursor is over (when a server function is executed). I'm not sure how to do that. I saw: Get current word in google-apps-script which explained how to get the last word of the line, but that doesn't really work, this is what I have (very rough code):
function clientize() {///
var t = Date.now();
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getCursor();
var els = doc.getElement();
var txt = els.asText().getText().split(" ");
var word = txt[txt.length - 1];
var offset = doc.getOffset();
var highlightStyle = {};
highlightStyle[DocumentApp.Attribute.FOREGROUND_COLOR] = '#FF0000';
els.setBold(offset - 5,offset , true)
// els.setAttributes(4,10,highlightStyle);
return (word)
but it only gives me the last word on the line, not the word that the cursor is actually in, and also I don't know how to change the color of the word in the document once I find the text. I know I can change the color based on a certain range, but it only works on the getElement(), but how do I change the specific range of the whole word that the cursor is on?
For example, say I have the line, with the cursor:
hello world ho|w are you today
then when I activate the server function, only the word "how" should be changed to red, for example.
How is this possible????
You can do so, the trick is to get the offsets for the start & end of the current user's word.
function clientize() {
// Get the Position of the user's cursor
var position = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getCursor();
// Get the element that contains this Position
var ref_element = position.getElement();
// Get the text in the element
var text = ref_element.asText().getText();
// Get the cursor's relative location within ref_element.
// Verify if cursor is within text elem. or paragraph elem.
var ref_offset = position.getOffset();
if (ref_element.getType() == DocumentApp.ElementType.PARAGRAPH){
// Cursor is at beginning or end of line
if (ref_offset == 1){
// Cursor is at last word. Move to the left into TEXT
ref_offset = text.length - 1;
// Get offset for current word's initial char
var offset_first = ref_offset - text.substring(0,ref_offset).split(" ")[text.substring(0,ref_offset).split(" ").length - 1].length;
// Get how many chars to the end of current word
var chars_to_end;
if (text.substring(ref_offset, ref_offset + text.length - 1).indexOf(" ") > -1) {
// if word has a trailing space exclude it from count
chars_to_end = text.substring(ref_offset, ref_offset + text.length - 1).indexOf(" ");
} else {
chars_to_end = text.substring(ref_offset, ref_offset + text.length - 1).length - 1;
// Get offset for current word's last char
var offset_last = ref_offset + chars_to_end;
// Define the styling attributes
var style = {};
style[DocumentApp.Attribute.FOREGROUND_COLOR] = '#FF00FF';
// Apply styling to current word
ref_element.asText().setAttributes(offset_first, offset_last, style);
Note: You will have to filter the returned word if it has comas or other characters trailing or preceding. Hint: use regex. Have a look at this test document with it's bound script to see it working.
Also for reference the key function here is: setAttributes(startOffset, endOffsetInclusive, attributes)
Please note there is many ways to go about this, this is just one way to achieve it.