I'm currently getting this error: 'User::User(const User&)': attempting to reference a deleted function
The program passes a string value of an object into the class.
User Constructor:
User::User(string s){
int size = s.length() + 1;
char* cstr = new char[size];
strcpy_s(cstr, size, s.c_str());
Main Loop:
int main(){
//json equals something similar to this: "{\"body:{[{"user":1},{"user":1},{"user":1}]}\"}";
const char * json;
Document d;
if (d.HasMember("body")) {
if (d["body"].IsArray()) {
for (SizeType i = 0; i < d["body"].Size(); i++) {
string json = getJsonString(d["body"][i]);
User u = User(json); \\this is where the error point to
getJsonString function:
string getJsonString(Value& value) {
StringBuffer buffer;
Writer<StringBuffer> writer(buffer);
return string(buffer.GetString());
I search for a lot of explanation on this error but nothing seems to make sense to me. I think it has something to do with the vector array however it doesn't make sense to me as I'm not using a pointer or reference for any of the user value. It seems to point to the constructor however no pointer or reference is being passed through. I through by returning the string of the json, I wasn't using a pointer but maybe I actually am? I would be grateful for any explanation to what I am doing wrong.
is not copyable; this means that:
User::User(const User&)
(copy constructor) is private
= delete;
)This means you are not allowed to create a new User
from another one.
Then, if you want to store User
objects in a vector
(as you are "apparently" trying to do in your post, I say "apparently" because the posted code does not compile, I dunno who is this
) you cannot store them by value, as the vector
contained needs an accessible copy constructor.
See std::vector
must meet the requirements ofCopyAssignable
However, you can store them as pointers:
std::vector<std::shared_ptr<User>> users;
users.push_back( std::shared_ptr<User>( new User( json ) );