we are currently working on connecting the Strapi cms with the gatsby on the front end. My question is - do we need to set up the Webhooks to trigger the build inside of the repo on the Bit Bucket or it needs to be triggered on a hosting?
If you know the solution I would really appreciate it if you could share the procedure with me cause I'm seeing a lot of different cases online but I wasn't able to find this specific one.
Our hosting is AWS S3, and Gatsby is fetching the data from Strapi via GraphQL.
Thank you, guys!
Here is an example that is deleted from the documentation - https://github.com/strapi/strapi/blob/daaf1392d217a5927ea40320881bfec3208c9927/docs/3.0.0-beta.x/guides/webhooks.md
That uses the model's life cycles but you can apply this logic with the new Webhook feature that is now builtin Strapi.