I am trying to import some data from one sheet to another using lookups.
I have one sheet with some data including date, name, and type of data(Puschases, Shops). https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1sg3fh3giXlEg1SePkwZhO_RTUEPN8WBsmAJLWSKbpkA/edit#gid=0
I then have another sheet for each team member. I want the purchases and shops data(from sample data sheet) to import to their sheet by name, date, and type of data. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1of3wCGMZ_JEZpcxvo98Riluc5OJROMLfUN9S9LIkicE/edit#gid=0
Any thoughts on how to do this? Any help would be appreaciated.
IMPORTRANGE("1sg3fh3giXlEg1SePkwZhO_RTUEPN8WBsmAJLWSKbpkA", "Sheet1!B1:I"),
"select Col8,max(Col3) group by Col8 pivot Col1", 1), {3, 4}, 0)))
IMPORTRANGE("1sg3fh3giXlEg1SePkwZhO_RTUEPN8WBsmAJLWSKbpkA", "Sheet1!B1:I"),
"select Col8,max(Col"&MATCH(A2,
IMPORTRANGE("1sg3fh3giXlEg1SePkwZhO_RTUEPN8WBsmAJLWSKbpkA", "Sheet1!B1:I1"), 0)&")
group by Col8 pivot Col1", 1), {3, 4}, 0)))