I've written the following code to get the positions of all blue markers in the map.
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from requests_html import HTMLSession
session = HTMLSession()
r = session.get(url)
r.html.render(sleep = 3)
data = r.html.html
BlueTriangles = soup.find_all(src="images/funk_hf.png")
for Triangle in BlueTriangles[1:]:
TriangleStyle = Triangle['style']
PixelPosition = TriangleStyle.split('transform: translate3d(')[1].split(', 0px); z')[0]
When I open the URL using a web browser, I see that each blue marker has a unique ID that is shown in a tooltip on mouseover:
The html code of the tooltip appears to be rendered triggered by a mouseover event:
Is there any way of scraping the the ID from the tooltip? I was wondering whether it is possible use the script parameter of render to force a mouseover event. But I couldn't find a way to integrate it in the code:
Points on the map are rendered by request to the endpoint https://emf2.bundesnetzagentur.de/karte/Standortservice.asmx/GetStandorteFreigabe with box coordinates (in this case {"Box":{"sued":52.39231101879802,"west":14.248666763305664,"nord":52.42927461241364,"ost":14.337587356567385}}
Response is json. Locations' data is encrypted by AES. Decryption code is available in js script loading with page (functions CryptParams and DecryptData).
After decryption we get this nice data:
You have two ways.
Use selenium or similar software to render JS and try to parse resulting DOM;
Write parser to send request to GetStandorteFreigabe endpoint and decode it's response (convert code from js to python),