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TypeError: 'JavaPackage' object is not callable (spark._jvm)

I'm setting up GeoSpark Python and after installing all the pre-requisites, I'm running the very basic code examples to test it.

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
from geo_pyspark.register import GeoSparkRegistrator

spark = SparkSession.builder.\


df = spark.sql("""SELECT st_GeomFromWKT('POINT(6.0 52.0)') as geom""")

I tried running it with python3 and spark-submit, both give me this error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jessica/Downloads/geo_pyspark/", line 8, in <module>
  File "/home/jessica/Downloads/geo_pyspark/geo_pyspark/register/", line 22, in registerAll
  File "/home/jessica/Downloads/geo_pyspark/geo_pyspark/register/", line 27, in register
    spark._jvm. \
TypeError: 'JavaPackage' object is not callable

I'm using Java 8, Python 3, Apache Spark 2.4, my JAVA_HOME is set correctly, I'm running Linux Mint 19. My SPARK_HOME is also set:

$ printenv SPARK_HOME

How can I fix this?


  • The Jars for geoSpark are not correctly registered with your Spark Session. There's a few ways around this ranging from a tad inconvenient to pretty seamless. For example, if when you call spark-submit you specify:

    --jars jar1.jar,jar2.jar,jar3.jar

    then the problem will go away, you can also provide a similar command to pyspark if that's your poison.

    If, like me, you don't really want to be doing this every time you boot (and setting this as a .conf() in Jupyter will get tiresome) then instead you can go into $SPARK_HOME/conf/spark-defaults.conf and set:

    spark-jars jar1.jar,jar2.jar,jar3.jar

    Which will then be loaded when you create a spark instance. If you've not used the conf file before it'll be there as spark-defaults.conf.template.

    Of course, when I say jar1.jar.... What I really mean is something along the lines of:


    but that's up to you to get the right ones from the geo_pyspark package.

    If you are using an EMR: You need to set your cluster config json to

          "spark.jars": "/jars/geo_wrapper_2.11-0.3.0.jar,/jars/geospark-1.2.0.jar,/jars/geospark-sql_2.3-1.2.0.jar,/jars/geospark-viz_2.3-1.2.0.jar"

    and also get your jars to upload as part of your bootstrap. You can do this from Maven but I just threw them on an S3 bucket:

    sudo mkdir /jars
    sudo aws s3 cp s3://geospark-test-ds/bootstrap/geo_wrapper_2.11-0.3.0.jar /jars/
    sudo aws s3 cp s3://geospark-test-ds/bootstrap/geospark-1.2.0.jar /jars/
    sudo aws s3 cp s3://geospark-test-ds/bootstrap/geospark-sql_2.3-1.2.0.jar /jars/
    sudo aws s3 cp s3://geospark-test-ds/bootstrap/geospark-viz_2.3-1.2.0.jar /jars/

    If you are using an EMR Notebook You need a magic cell at the top of your notebook:

    %%configure -f
    "jars": [