I have an html template and I want to remove the extra <p></p>
from it via JS.
P.S. I cannot have more than one empty p
const htmlTemplate = `
<p>Rich editor text</p>
<p></p> // <-- Remove these extra elements
<p></p> // <--
<p></p> // <--
<p></p> // <--
<p>ipsum dolor amet</p>
const result = `
<p>Rich editor text</p>
<p>ipsum dolor amet</p>
You can use a regex to search and remove unwanted <p></p>
. You can use https://regex101.com/ to get the details of the regex
const htmlTemplate = `
<p>Rich editor text</p>
<p>ipsum dolor amet</p>`;
const ret = htmlTemplate.replace(/<p><\/p>([.\s]*<p><\/p>)+/ig, '<p></p>');