I am a developer on a Grails/Groovy application which uses Spock as its framework for unit testing. The project has around 1000 unit tests, and I would essentially like to perform a specific mock / operation before running all tests. Preferably it should only be executed once, alternatively before each test - or before some large subset of all the tests. I imagine that it out to be possible to have a “global” setup method which all tests can extend. Is this possible?
We ended up doing the following. First we defined a class implementing IAnnotationDrivenExtension interface:
class MockConfigMapExtension implements IAnnotationDrivenExtension<MockConfigMap> {
void visitSpecAnnotation(MockConfigMap annotation, SpecInfo spec) {
void visitFeatureAnnotation(MockConfigMap annotation, FeatureInfo feature) {
void visitFixtureAnnotation(MockConfigMap annotation, MethodInfo fixtureMethod) {
void visitFieldAnnotation(MockConfigMap annotation, FieldInfo field) {
void visitSpec(SpecInfo spec) {
where we defined this trivial annotation:
@interface MockConfigMap {
Now, whenever we annotate a Spec class with the MockConfigMap annotation, the visitSpecAnnotation method is invoked, and we get the desired behaviour.