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Leaflet Overlay with created PNG

I created a png picture and wanted it do display on a leaflet map.

I tried it like in the code below but it does not work.


Any Ideas how i could do this? Here is the code.

    var pic = new PNGlib(200, 200, 256);      
    var background = pic.color(23, 0, 0, 50); 

    var my_png = pic.getBase64()

    var overlay = new L.ImageOverlay(  my_png   , bounds, {opacity: 0.5,});


  • I think you have a URI problem. You need to add a "data:image" for your image to appear. MDN data URLs

    You can see an example that works on my codesandbox.

    var pic = new PNGlib(200, 200, 256);      
    var background = pic.color(23, 0, 0, 50); 
    var my_png = pic.getBase64()
    const b64ImgUrl = `data:image/png;base64,${my_png}`;
    var overlay = new L.ImageOverlay(  b64ImgUrl   , bounds, {opacity: 0.5,});