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Javascript comparison bug or am I missing something?

So, I have JS code that is meant to acquire data from server about temperature from 2 sensors. The data is contained in a text file where each line carries date and 2 values each for one thermometer. I have managed to parse this data into arrays of dates and values separately. I can find minimum and maximum value of each array, but when I try to get min and max values from both temperature arrays, I get false data. The temperature values are stored in data.temperature, which is an array containing 2 values, each for on of the thermometers (data is an array of objects containing a property temperature, which as an array of two values). I used a debugger and at multiple points the code threw false when comparing two values which was clearly wrong (19>6=false).

Here is the code:

extremes.minTempAbsolute = [0, 0];
for(var i = 1; i < data.length; i++){
    for(var j = 0; j < data[i].temperature.length; j++){
        if(data[i].temperature[j] < data[extremes.minTempAbsolute[0]].temperature[extremes.minTempAbsolute[1]]){
            extremes.minTempAbsolute = [i, j];
extremes.maxTempAbsolute = [0, 0];
for(var i = 1; i < data.length; i++){
    for(var j = 0; j < data[i].temperature.length; j++){
        if(data[i].temperature[j] > data[extremes.maxTempAbsolute[0]].temperature[extremes.maxTempAbsolute[1]]){
            extremes.maxTempAbsolute = [i, j];

Object extremes contains indexes of those extremes in data array. minTempAbsolute and maxTempAbsolute contains an array of two indexes - one for data and one for temperature.

At one point it was comparing data[i].temperature[j] > data[extremes.maxTempAbsolute[0]].temperature[extremes.maxTempAbsolute[1]] where i was 1540 and j was 0 and maxTempAbsolute[0] was 460 and maxTempAbsolute[1] was 1. Therefore:

data[1540].temperature[0] > data[460].temperature[1]
                       19 > 6

When I took these values and logged them in console, it showed me values 19 for the first one and 6 for the second one, but still it would not compare them correctly (as shown above).

My guess is it somehow compares indexes as well because:

data[1540].temperature[1] > data[460].temperature[1]
                      6.5 > 6

When the index changed it was comparing just fine.

Please help me. I have tried everything I know and am lost for ideas. Any help will be greatly appreciated. If there are any questions to my problem I will try to answer them promptly.


  • Since you read the temperatures from file, you should use Number constructor because you're comparing strings.

    Number(data[1540].temperature[0]) > Number(data[460].temperature[1])