There was an interesting discussion over here on StackOverflow, and in some ways this question is a followup. I've also asked a similar question in the past, but I feel this is more generally a question about object URLs.
There have been a number of times where I would like to implement a streaming version of a ".src" for image or video elements in JS, perhaps from a stream of bytes. Unfortunately, I only see two main options that are more controllable by JS:
Any thoughts on how I can create some type of streaming object URL? And/or if not, does anybody know why JS hasn't implemented this type of streaming long, long ago?
There have been a number of times where I would like to implement a streaming version of a ".src" for image or video elements in JS, perhaps from a stream of bytes.
Use a Service Worker to respond with a Response with a ReadableStream as the body.
but I feel this is more generally a question about object URLs.
Object URLs really only represent immutable Blobs. The MediaStream object URL is a special case, not really applicable here, and a deprecated API as srcObject
exists for media elements these days.
Create a Blob and then use URL.createObjectURL(). Unfortunately, this seems to be static - but perhaps there is a way to mutate the contents?
No, Blobs are immutable.
Create a MediaSource. However, this only works for video...
... or audio.