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How fast is this naive prime factorization algorithm?

I'm looking to figure out the big-o complexity of this code:

prime_factorize(N) {

   for (int i = 2; i <= N; i++) {
       while (N % i == 0) {
           print i
           N = N / i

This isn't actually a programming language -- It's just pseudocode.

I know what the pseudocode is doing. It is dividing out all the factors of 2, then 3, etc. I also know that the code can be optimized to only go up to sqrt(N), but I want to figure out the runtime of the code as I posted it.

While it is tempting to say the runtime is quadratic, I am pretty sure that's wrong. The reason why I think it's wrong is because I know that the prime sieve algorithm runs in O(nloglogn) time, and it sort of resembles this algorithm.

Can someone please help me analyze this algorithm?


  • It's easy to see that this algorithm runs in O(n) in worst case.

    You just need to consider the case where n is a prime number, then i would iterate all the way until N.

    The same thing occurs if N is not prime. Take N = 2 * 53 as example. It would take 53 iterations = O(N/2) = O(N).