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Verifying the minimum cost from each node to a sink node in linear time

Problem Statement:

Let G = (V,E) be a directed graph with costs ce ∈ ℝ on each edge eE. There are no negative cycles in G. Suppose there is a sink node tV, and for each node vV, there is a label dv ∈ ℝ.

Give an algorithm that decides, in linear time, whether it is true that for each vV, dv is the cost of the minimum-cost path from v to the sink node t.


The biggest challenge I find is the linear time limitation. The most relevant algorithm to consider here is the Bellman-Ford algorithm, but runs in O(|V|·|E|) time which is too slow, so it requires modifying for this problem.

I have also made an observation:

If, for example, (u,v)E and c(u,v) = 1, and du = 3 and dv = 5, then the label dv is wrong. This is because passing from v to u with a cost of 1 and travelling from u to t in a minimum cost of 3 for a total cost of 4 is shorter than the supposed minimum cost from v to t given by dv, which is 5.

I'm not sure if I can use this insight to produce a linear algorithm, but it's the furthest I have gotten so far.


  • Yes, your insight is an ingredient to an efficient algorithm. Given a node u — different from t —, its outgoing edges e=(u,v) should fulfill this condition:

            ce + vd ≥ ud

    In addition to this, at least one of those edges e should be in the node's minimum cost path:

            ce + vd = ud

    The above two conditions can be condensed into the following, where Eu is the collection of edges that originate in u:

            min(ce + vd) = ud for e=(u,v) ∈ Eu

    Finally, the minimum cost path at the sink t should be zero:

            dt = 0

    So, it is possible to design an algorithm that visits all nodes and their outgoing edges exactly once in order to verify these conditions.

    Time Complexity

    If you have the graph represented with an adjacency list, then this can indeed be done in O(|V| + |E|) time. If the graph is connected, then this boils down to O(|E|).

    Pseudo Code

    function verify(nodes, sink):
        if sink.label != 0:
            return False
        for node in nodes:
            if node != sink:
                cost = infinity
                for e in node.outgoingEdges:
                    cost = min(cost, + e.cost) 
                if node.label != cost:
                    return False
        return True