I need some help on this. I would like to find two different partial strings in a cell using a formula. For example - if cell (A1) contains "Staples A-12345 Georgia, USA" or other cell may contain only "g345" or "g100, g000" or other times it contains both A-12345 g345 in a cell as an example.
My goal is to return a value of "GXXX" or if not present, use the "A-XXXXX".
Search A1 cell for partial text of "A-" or "G". (The "A-, must contain 7 characters" and "G, must contain 4 characters.)
I am currently using this formula. I am unable to display the actual string.
I got confused and stuck on this.Your time and help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
IF(REGEXMATCH(A1, "(g\d{3}).*(g\d{3})|(g\d{3})"), TEXTJOIN(", ", 1,
REGEXEXTRACT(A1, "(g\d{3}).*(g\d{3})|(g\d{3})")), REGEXEXTRACT(A1, "A-\d{5}"))), A1)