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Set of wildcard matches from variable names

I have a set of variables, say varA, varB, and varC.

How can I loop over only the postfixes A, B, and C?

I know I can get all of the matching variables as follows:

des var*

              storage   display    value
variable name   type    format     label      variable label
varA            float   %9.0g                 
varB            float   %9.0g                 
varC            float   %9.0g                 

However, is there a way to extract only the matching component and loop over it?

The ideal code would be something like the one below:

des var*

foreach postfix in `r(wildcardmatches)' {
    display "`postfix'"

If the set r(wildcardmatches) existed.


  • * sandbox 
    set obs 1 
    foreach v in varA varB varC { 
        gen `v' = 42 
    * core idea and verification
    unab wanted : var* 
    local wanted : subinstr local wanted "var" "", all
    display "`wanted'"
    A B C