I just installed Symfony's cli on Debian via wget, when creating a new project with the new Symfony project --full, the following error appears:
Executing script cache: delete [KO] [KO] Script cache: delete returned with error code 1 !! Could not open input file: ./bin/console !! Script @ auto-scripts was called via post-update-cmd unable to execute / usr / local / bin / composer create-project symfony / website-skeleton / home / dwes / project Final: exit status 1
Composer generates the directory structure except bin, I try to ignore the error but obviously when I use any php bin/console command I can't open it:
root @ dwes2daw: / home / dwes / project Final php bin / console make: controller Could not open input file: bin / console
Thanks for your time
It was a problem with https://github.com/symfony/recipes. They have fixed it and now you can create your project.