I have a query
GET index/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"match": {
"key1": "value"
"wildcard": {
"key2": "*match*"
I want to make the same call with elasticsearch_dsl
I tried with
s = Search(index=index).query({
"bool": {
"should": [
"match": {
"key1": "value"
"wildcard": {
"key2": "*match*"
But the results are not same, am I missing something here
Is there a way to represent my query with elasticsearch_dsl
tried this, no results
s = Search(index=index).query('wildcard', key2='*match*').query('match', key1=value)
This query worked for me
s = Search(index=index).query('match', key1=value)
.query('wildcard', key2='*match*')
also, if key has _
like key_1
elastic search behaves differently and query matches results even which do not match your query. So try to choose your key
which do not have underscores.