EDIT: the initial resonses suggest my write-up focused people's attention on questions of best practices rather than questions of technique. I'd like to focus on a technical issue, however, with the below just as a toy example:
If a person passes a list to a function parameter, how can you capture and inspect individual elements of that list without risking errors from the system attempting to call/evaluate those elements?
For instance, if a user passes to a parameter a list of functions that may or may not be appropriate, or have the associated packages loaded, how can the function safely examine what functions were requested?
Say I would like to build a function that iterates through other functions that might be applied. The actual example would call different modeling functions, but here's a toy example that's easier to see:
newfunc <- function(func.list){
Let's say that among the functions newfunc() can take are the functions nchar() and length(). If we provide those, we get the following:
func.list = list(nchar, length)
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
[1] 26
But, let's say that newfunc() is also capable of taking something like str_to_upper(), which comes from the package stringr. Passing str_to_upper() works fine, but only if stringr has been loaded beforehand:
func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper)
Error in lapply(func.list, function(f) f(letters)) :
object 'str_to_upper' not found
newfunc(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper))
[1] 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
[1] 26
[1] "A" "B" "C" "D" "E" "F" "G" "H" "I" "J" "K" "L" "M" "N" "O"
[16] "P" "Q" "R" "S" "T" "U" "V" "W" "X" "Y" "Z"
I'd like to put code in the function that can investigate the elements of the list and determine whether any packages (like stringr) need to be loaded. Also, I'd like to check whether the functions listed are from an acceptable set (so it catches if someone passes mean()
or, worse, rcorr()
from an unloaded Hmisc).
# This works here but is undesireable:
newfunc(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper, mean))
# This creates issues no matter what:
newfunc(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper, rcorr))
newfunc(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper, rcorr))
I know how to do something like func.list.test <- deparse(substitute(func.list)
to get the literal text of the parameter, but I don't know how to do that on individual elements without risking triggering an error if some function isn't present.
(and I don't want to take the hacky route of string manipulation on the overall deparsed output of func.list.test
Ideally for this use case I'd like to know if this can be done with base R techniques. However, feel free to explain how to do this using newer approaches like tidy evaluation/quosures if it's the best/only way (though know that my familiarity with those is currently pretty limited).
Any help would be appreciated.
Here's a pure base
function that uses find()
to determine what function is being used and help.search()
to locate any installed packages that might have the function:
resolve <- function( func.list )
## Disassemble the supplied list of functions (lfs)
lf <- as.list(substitute( func.list ))[-1]
lfs <- lapply( lf, deparse )
lfs <- setNames( lfs, lfs )
## Find functions (ff) in the loaded namespaces
ff <- lapply( lfs, find )
## Existing functions (fex) are listed in the order of masking
## The first element is used by R in the absence of explicit ::
fex <- subset( ff, lapply(ff, length) > 0 )
fex <- lapply( fex, `[`, 1 )
## Search for empty entries (ee) among installed packages
ee <- names(subset( ff, lapply(ff, length) < 1 ))
ee <- setNames( ee, ee )
eeh <- lapply( ee, function(e)
help.search( apropos = paste0("^", e, "$"),
fields = "name", ignore.case=FALSE )$matches$Package )
## Put everything together
list( existing = fex, to_load = eeh )
Example usage:
resolve(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper, lag, between))
# List of 2
# $ existing:List of 3
# ..$ nchar : chr "package:base"
# ..$ length: chr "package:base"
# ..$ lag : chr "package:stats"
# $ to_load :List of 2
# ..$ str_to_upper: chr "stringr"
# ..$ between : chr [1:3] "data.table" "dplyr" "rex"
resolve(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper, lag, between))
# List of 2
# $ existing:List of 4
# ..$ nchar : chr "package:base"
# ..$ length : chr "package:base"
# ..$ lag : chr "package:dplyr"
# ..$ between: chr "package:dplyr"
# $ to_load :List of 1
# ..$ str_to_upper: chr "stringr"
resolve(func.list = list(nchar, length, str_to_upper, lag, between))
# List of 2
# $ existing:List of 4
# ..$ nchar : chr "package:base"
# ..$ length : chr "package:base"
# ..$ lag : chr "package:dplyr"
# ..$ between: chr "package:data.table"
# $ to_load :List of 1
# ..$ str_to_upper: chr "stringr"