I am using JsBarcode to generate one during a person's checkout. I want to send this to their email but I can't since the generated one is a collection of paths inside an SVG so they don't make it to their email (nothing is rendered). So I wanted to make this code, once generated, an image.
<svg id="barcode"></svg><canvas id="canvas"></canvas>
I tried to do after generating the barcode (which works):
JsBarcode("#barcode", result.source.number, {
text: result.source.number.match(/.{1,4}/g).join (" "),
width: 2,
height: 50,
fontSize: 15,
To call:
var canvas = $("#barcode");
var img = canvas.toDataURL("image/png");
$("#canvas").append('<img src="' + img + '"/>');
However, when doing that, I get:
canvas.toDataURL is not a function
. I Googled around and, from what I can tell, that would make more sense if I were giving toDataURL()
an array but there's literally no other canvas in the page. What am I missing here?
At this point, I realize this will show the barcode twice in the code but I don't care, I'll fix that after. I'm more interested in generating the image and I don't seem to be able to do so.
You are using jquery and it wraps the element in an array. You can select the original DOM node with element[0]
or with element.get(0)
You don't need a canvas element, you can serialize the SVG into a base64 URL and use this as the image source.
var number = '12345678';
JsBarcode("#barcode", number, {
text: number.match(/.{1,4}/g).join(" "),
width: 2,
height: 50,
fontSize: 15,
var svg = $("#barcode")[0];
var xml = new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(svg);
var base64 = 'data:image/svg+xml;base64,' + btoa(xml);
var img = $("#image")[0];
img.src = base64;
svg {
border: 1px solid green;
img {
border: 1px solid red;
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/jsbarcode/3.6.0/JsBarcode.all.min.js"></script>
<svg id="barcode"></svg>
<img id="image"></img>