I have the following functions which renders a set of fields:
const renderFields = (data: CustomerDetails) => {
return Object.keys(data).map((s: string) => {
const key = s as keyof CustomerDetails
return Object.keys(data[key]).map(fieldKey => {
const name = `${key}.${fieldKey}`
const id = `customer-details-form-${fieldKey}`
return (
<FormItem key={name}>
<Label htmlFor={id}>{camelCaseToTitleCase(fieldKey)}</Label>
<Field name={`${key}.${fieldKey}.value`} validate={validate(fieldKey)}>
{props =>
data.contact[fieldKey] !== undefined
? data.contact[fieldKey].disabled
: true
// disabled={
// data.contact[fieldKey]?.disabled ?? true
// }
however the disabled status is dependent on the redux structure at the moment. Is there a way to make fields disabled/enabled on click without having to dispatch an action saying which fields should be enabled or not?
Using local state here would be appropriate. Here's a simplified example:
function WrappedField(props){
const [disabled, setDisabled] = useState(false);
return <Field {...props} disabled={disabled} onClick={() => setDisabled(!disabled)} />
You can use the wrapped version wherever you would have used the Field component.