I have a Spring Boot 2 project using MongoDB as database.
When I Instantiate an object containing a date as LocalDateTime by calling LocalDateTime.now(); I receive a datetime containing nanoseconds with more than 4 numerical places.
When I persist this data in mongoDB using mongotemplate.save, the value is saved containing 3 places for nanoseconds only (the rest is filled with zero). So, how can I accomplish the same precision when storing to DB? Or another option: how would I limit the precision when creating a LocalDateTime instance in java?
public class Entity implements Serializable {
private String id;
@Indexed(name = "created")
private LocalDateTime created;
public HistoryEntity(){
// This gives me 2020-01-30T13:25:09.817182
this.created = LocalDateTime.now();
public class DAO {
private MongoTemplate mongoTemplate;
public void save(Entity e) {
// When value is persisted, I get 2020-01-30T13:25:09.817 if I look into mongoDB instance or if I retrieve the same entity from DB in Java
Entity saved = mongoTemplate.save(e);
I think I found out the answer and probably there isn't much I can do other than truncate my LocalDateTime from java side (As I explained in my last comment and depicted below)
Clock millisecondClock = Clock.tick(Clock.systemDefaultZone(), Duration.ofNanos(1000000));
LocalDateTime d = LocalDateTime.now(millisecondClock);
I was reading this Baeldung's article https://www.baeldung.com/spring-data-mongodb-zoneddatetime when I faced the following statement (which answered my question):
... we're removing the nanoseconds information since the MongoDB Date type has a precision of milliseconds:
So that's it. Even if I want to work with a higher precision, seems that MongoDB can't handle it (at least for now)