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How can I fix the error with json_object in postgresql-9.6?

There is Zabbix with PostgreSQL database monitoring. There is one trigger in Zabbix that constantly spam error:

ERROR:  function json_object(text[], text[]) does not exist
LINE 11:    SELECT json_object(array_agg(name), array_agg(setting)) F...
HINT:  No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
SQL state: 42883
Character: 190

Found a template in which this trigger is registered. It is standard, I tried to request a line separately in Postgres, as a result the same error. The request itself:

select json_build_object('extensions',(select array_agg(extname) from (select extname from pg_extension order by extname) as e),'settings', (select json_object(array_agg(name),array_agg(setting)) from (select name,setting from pg_settings where name != 'application_name' order by name) as s));

I ask you to tell what is wrong.


  • The function json_object(text[], text[]) exists in PostgreSQL (documentation) since version 9.4. Are you sure you use the version 9.4 or above ? You can check with:

    SELECT version();