I am attempting to use parseInt to determine if a span element is equal to or greater than 1 from within my Google Chrome Extension.
Here is a screenshot of the "inspect" option from within chrome.
Here is the page HTML:
<div id="onlinebar" style="text-align: right">
<a href="javascript:win1()" class="tb_options" title="Kalbėkis su savo piratais.">Užsuk į smuklę</a> |
<span id="tb_gang" class="tb_options" onClick="ShowTbPopup(this); obShowHide(0)">My Fleet: (<b>2</b>)</span> |
<span id="tb_friend" class="tb_options" onClick="ShowTbPopup(this); obShowHide(1)">My Friends: (<b>2</b>)</span> |
<span id="tb_enemies" class="tb_options" onClick="ShowTbPopup(this); obShowHide(2)">My Enemies: (<b>0</b>)</span>
<a id="closebox" href="#" onclick="javascript:var conf = confirm('Are you sure you want to remove the login box? (It can be turned back on from settings)'); if(conf){ document.getElementById('onlinebar').style.display='none'; setBarPrefs('11769'); }" style="margin-right:20px;"><img src="/images/close.gif" border="0"/></a>
This is what I have tried:
function checkEnemies(){
numEnemies = parseInt($$("[id^=tb_enemies]")[0].title.split(" ")[0]);
if (numEnemies >= 1){
return true;
return false;
var bool = checkEnemies();
And also this:
function checkEnemies(){
numEnemies = parseInt($$('#tb_enemies')[0].title.split(" ")[0]);
if (numMessages >= 1){
return true;
return false;
var bool = checkEnemies();
Thanks for any help you can offer.
The number doesn't seem to be set as the value of the title
attribute, you can get it directly from the element's content, here is an example:
// jQuery
let number = parseInt($("#tb_enemies b").text());
console.log("jQuery the number is:", number);
// vanilla JavaScript
number = parseInt(document.querySelector("#tb_enemies b").textContent);
console.log("vanilla JavaScript the number is:", number);
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="onlinebar" style="text-align: right">
<a href="javascript:win1()" class="tb_options" title="Kalbėkis su savo piratais.">Užsuk į smuklę</a> |
<span id="tb_gang" class="tb_options" onClick="ShowTbPopup(this); obShowHide(0)">My Fleet: (<b>2</b>)</span> |
<span id="tb_friend" class="tb_options" onClick="ShowTbPopup(this); obShowHide(1)">My Friends: (<b>2</b>)</span> |
<span id="tb_enemies" class="tb_options" onClick="ShowTbPopup(this); obShowHide(2)">My Enemies: (<b>0</b>)</span>
<a id="closebox" href="#" onclick="javascript:var conf = confirm('Are you sure you want to remove the login box? (It can be turned back on from settings)'); if(conf){ document.getElementById('onlinebar').style.display='none'; setBarPrefs('11769'); }" style="margin-right:20px;"><img src="/images/close.gif" border="0"/></a>
What this does is to get the text content of the first <b>
element inside the element with ID tb_enemies
and parse that text to an integer.