I'm trying to make a code that when I click DIV, Checkbox marks me and the second time I click, it marks
The color changes and the DIV clicks. But automatic selection and unchecking for Checkbox do not work
I have error:
Uncaught TypeError: selectedValue.prop is not a function at HTMLDivElement.document.getElementById.onclick
I have template GSP with this code:
<div id="${item.key}">
<input id="Position_${item.key}" type="checkbox" /> ${index + 1}. ${item.key}
And script in the same file:
document.getElementById('${item.key}').onclick = function () {
let selectedValue = document.getElementById('Position_${item.key}');
if (this.style.backgroundColor == 'lightgreen') {
changeColor(this, 'white');
selectedValue.prop('checked', false);
} else {
changeColor(this, 'lightgreen');
selectedValue.prop('checked', true);
method is a part of jQuery element wrapper. You have a simple HTMLElement
You need to set the property directly:
selectedValue.checked = false;