I am using ionic v4, and I have to gave a different color when button is disabled as we normally do. But whatever I applied didn't show any effect. As ion button does not have any background-disable property as it has for hover, focus and active. https://ionicframework.com/docs/api/button#css-custom-properties
Here is my code:
<ion-button type="submit" color="danger" disabled="true">Next</ion-button>
I have tried the following things:
css in variable.scss (approach 1)
:host(.button-disabled) .button-native{
background: blue;
color: white;
css in my custom file (approach 2)
background: blue !important;
--background: blue !important;
--opacity: 1;
You could set the color conditionally in the html depending on the disabled value:
<ion-button type="submit" [color]="isDisabled? 'danger':'primary'" [disabled]="isDisabled">Next</ion-button>