I'm implementing a GraphQL client in a Java application using Apollo's auto generation of queries, and so far I've been able to chain calls and I also get the data I want. The issue is that Apollo makes me implement the anonymous method ApolloCall.Callback<>()
which overrides void onResponse(Response response)
and void onFailure()
, but I'm unable to find a way to get a hold of this Response
object, which I want to collect and make sure I have.
This is a Spring Boot project on Java 11, I've tried to make use of CompletableFuture
but with limited knowledge of it and how to use it for this particular problem I feel out of luck. I've also tried to implement the RxJava support that Apollo is supposed to have but I couldn't resolve dependency issues with that approach.
I'm pretty sure that futures will solve it but again I don't know how.
public void getOwnerIdFromClient() {
new ApolloCall.Callback<>() {
public void onResponse(@Nonnull Response<Optional<GetOwnerDbIdQuery.Data>> response) {
int ownerId =
System.out.println("OwnerId = " + ownerId);
public void onFailure(@Nonnull ApolloException e) {
logger.error("Could not retrieve response from GetOwnerDbIdQuery.", e);
Since I wish to work with this int ownerId
outside of the onResponse
this isn't a sufficient solution. I'd actually like to make this call x amount of times, and create a list of all the id's I actually got, since this might return a null id as well, which means I need some way to wait for them all to finish.
You are right, this can be done using Futures:
public Future<Integer> getOwnerIdFromClient(){
Future<Integer> result=new CompletableFuture<Integer>();
new ApolloCall.Callback<>(){
public void onResponse(@Nonnull Response<Optional<GetOwnerDbIdQuery.Data>>response){
// get owner Id
System.out.println("OwnerId = "+ownerId);
public void onFailure(@Nonnull ApolloException e){
logger.error("Could not retrieve response from GetOwnerDbIdQuery.",e);result.completeExceptionally(e);
return result;