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how to add and set a font in JsPDF?

I've been trying to set the Helvetica font in different ways but nothing seems to work. I understand the addFont and setFont function but I'm having problems using them.

This is what I have:

doc.addFont('Helvetica', 'Helvetica', 'normal')

Apparently the postscript name for Helvetica is 'Helvetica' so I don't know what it could be.


  • you can convert your font

    Example PTSans-normal.js

    import jsPDF from 'jspdf' jsPDF - Importing fonts in React.js / ES6 style

    Using a new font

    import 'assets/fonts/PTSans-normal.js';
    import jsPDF from 'jspdf';
    const doc = new jsPDF();
    doc.setFont('PTSans'); // set custom font
    doc.setFontSize(12); // you can change size
    doc.text('Hello', x, y) // and you can write your text
    console.log('Show all font in jsPDF',doc.getFontList());